Von der Schönheit
eines friedlichen Augenblickes verzaubert,
lösen sich alle Sorgen in Luft auf .....
eines friedlichen Augenblickes verzaubert,
lösen sich alle Sorgen in Luft auf .....

Reservation information
Journey & departure
Check in: from 14.00 o'clock ? Check-out: till 10.00 o'clock With untimely departure, late journey or with reduced personal number the room price of the respectively booked days is settled (no deductions). No unterrenting or wide renting and personal change within the reservation period permits.
Deposit / payment
With preservation of the deposit the reservation is obliging.You can pay the balance with pleasure with the journey in bar or with high-speed train map.
Non-journey – late journey – untimely departure
With non-journey or cancelation at the latest 3 months before the agreed arrival day we settle the deposit as a cancelation fee. With resignation within 4 weeks – 90% of the whole price. We recommend a travel resignation assurance. With late journey or untimely departure the full remuneration is settled.
During your stay our parking bays are available to you free of charge.
Smoker & non-smoker
We would like to point out you to the fact that our holiday apartments are strict non-smoker's rooms. With pleasure you can smoke on the balcony / patio.
Domestic animals
Domestic animals are permitted none
The general terms of business are valid it for the Hotellerie